• 2024/9/19 8:47:20

Why does the compressor head need periodic overhaul?

The host in the air compressor is the core part of the air compressor and has been in high-speed operation for a long time, and it needs preventive overhaul after a certain time or years. The principles and precautions are as follows.

The technical performance of the head of the air compressor is mainly guaranteed by the following three conditions:

1, screw, host housing and high and low pressure end processing are high precision. The accuracy ensures that after the main machine is assembled, there is a proper gap between the screw and the screw, and between the screw and the main machine housing. The gap size has fully taken into account the problem that the screw and the housing will be deformed when the main machine is running at high temperature.

2, the size of the gap between the screw and the high and low pressure end face is guaranteed when the screw is assembled according to the technical requirements. There is no axial movement of the screw when the host is running, and the radial allowable displacement of the screw is guaranteed by the high-precision bearing.

3. The oil film formed by the lubricating oil during the normal operation of the compressor head makes no direct contact between the screw and the screw. However, with the passage of air compressor operating time, each bearing of the host will inevitably wear, resulting in the axial movement of the screw and the increase of radial displacement, the change will make the clearance between the screw and the screw, the screw and the host shell and the front and rear end changes. As the unit operation time approaches the head overhaul period, the life of the main engine bearing gradually advances to the maximum allowable time limit.

With the use of air compressor equipment for a certain number of years, various internal small problems began to surface, timely overhaul of the main engine, systematic solution of internal security risks, will effectively reduce later maintenance costs, to ensure the good operation of air compressor. In general, the following five problems will occur after the air compressor works for a certain time:

1. The gap increases. The increase of the distance between the core components of the host and the rotor will increase the leakage during the compression process and reduce the compression efficiency of the equipment. In addition, the expansion of clearance between the rotor and the rear end cover and bearing will mainly affect the sealing and compression efficiency of the compressor, and at the same time, it will also have a great impact on the service life of the rotor.

2. Wear increases. Normally, the operation of the machine will inevitably bring wear, under normal circumstances because of lubrication fluid lubrication, wear will be reduced a lot, but long-term high-speed operation will expand the degree of wear, and cause wear and damage to other major components.

3, parts deformation. As the core compression component of the compressor, the internal components of the compressor host are in a high temperature and high pressure environment for a long time, coupled with high-speed operation, and will inevitably cause deformation for a long time. At the same time, dust and impurities gradually accumulate in the machine, after long-term operation, it may cause the deformation of the Yin and Yang rotor, the gap increases, and the main engine may be stuck in serious cases.

4. Parts are damaged. The main vulnerable parts of the compressor are: various gaskets, seals, shaft oil seals, etc., of which the shaft oil seal is in a high temperature, high pressure and high-speed operation environment for a long time, which greatly shortens its service life, once the damage will cause oil leakage in the compressor, if it is not found in time, it is very likely to cause the rotor and bearing due to lack of lubrication and burn.

5. Increased costs. The compressor has not been overhauled for a long time, which will cause a large amount of impurities generated by wear to remain inside the equipment, resulting in:

a, shorten the service life of lubricating fluid;

b, shorten the service life of oil filter and air filter;

c, increase friction, reduce compression efficiency, increase power costs.

The main engine operating load increases, causing harm to the main motor and electrical system, the air compressor exhaust volume will occur a large attenuation, the most serious consequence is the sudden "lock" of the main engine, for the head "lock" treatment, on the one hand, the maintenance cost of overhaul will be much more expensive than normal overhaul, on the other hand, due to the damage of the main engine components, Therefore, the comprehensive performance of the repaired host will be worse than that of the normal overhaul host, for the following two reasons.

First, lubricating oil reasons

(1) The internal oil quantity of the head is not enough, the operation is temporarily stopped, and the oil shortage is instantaneous, resulting in stuck, therefore, the temporary shutdown must first add a certain amount of oil to the head of the equipment, and then start.

(2) Lubricating oil replacement or addition is not timely, lack of oil supply. Or oil passage obstruction, leakage, resulting in a lack of oil in the head.

(3) Excessive impurities lead to carbon accumulation and coking. Therefore, it is particularly important to select lubricating oil and replace lubricating oil; The application of inferior lubricating oil or the use of expired lubricating oil is more likely to lead to such safety accidents. At this time the machine head holding treatment: disassemble, soak with detergent for five hours can be repaired.

Second, the motor rotor reasons

(1) Direct contact of the motor rotor leads to locking. The main engine bearing is worn, which causes the screw to have axial shaking and axial shaking expansion, and the change will change the gap between the screw and the screw, the screw and the main engine housing and the front and back. The gap transition is normal during the bearing life cycle, and the resulting air compressor production and supply gas attenuation and transmission motor load increase are also normal.

(2) bearing aging, serious damage, the specific inspection bearing damage can be in the bearing is not removed, turn the inner lower side of the bearing needle or steel ball, if you can easily rotate it indicates that it must be replaced; With the passage of air compressor operation time. There could be serious consequences. However, when the bearing is damaged and the space between the main engine exceeds the allowable limit. A piece of iron one millimeter thick would get stuck. In particular, foreign objects fall in and get stuck.

(3) Friction will occur between the internal screw of the host and the front and back end faces, and between the screw and the host shell. First of all, the motor load increases sharply, the most serious adverse effect is the screw lock and even the main engine damage, if the motor maintenance response failure or failure is likely to cause motor damage.

To sum up, the head will produce many potential failure crises after regular high-speed operation, so the enterprise needs to carry out regular maintenance and maintenance, and the air compressor can better serve the production and manufacturing of the enterprise.